Migrating Label Manager to Cloud

Migrating Label Manager to Cloud


We are happy to offer Label Manager for Jira Cloud. Unfortunately due to technical limitations (see below), we currently cannot offer an automated migration path and some manual work is necessary.

To migrate you have to export the field data to .csv, perform some transformations in the .csv field and import the data into Cloud.

Feel free to contact our support desk, if you have further questions or need assistance with your migration.

Migration Steps

1. Add Label Manager Addon in Jira Cloud Instance

We do support migration licenses for our apps. Please reach out to our support if this applies to you.
Note: Our app trial period comes without functional limitations so you can start already.

2. Add the Label Manager Custom Fields

Use the Jira native custom field interface to create the label manager custom fields used in on-premise on the cloud instance. You can add the labels via comma separated list. If you are using project specific configuration, you have to set this up to via the UI.

3. Export Issues

Export Issues via CSV export from on-premise.
Only the fields “Key”, “Label Manager Field” and “Summary” are needed.

4. Convert format in the CSV-file

In the exported CSV you have to convert the data format to the one used in cloud (we weren’t able to use the same format), we can provide you with a formula/infos for Google Sheets/Excel to do this (see below).

Please note that if the issue key changes during your cloud migration, you will have to change this as well in the .csv file.

5. Import Issues to Cloud

Use the CSV import to update/create the new Issues with the converted Label Manager Field data

Data Formats


Label Manager uses a multi-select field type.

For each label selected in the field, a new column is created in the .csv export.


Label Manager fields on cloud use an object field type using the following structure.

Cloud Field Value Example:


Note: For project specific label manager configuration, use "labelSource":"project".

Note: "grey-light" is the default color, you have to extend the amount of "grey-light" strings in the array based on the maximum amount of columns the label field uses in the csv.

CSV Value Transformation

CSV-Value-Transformation in Google Sheets

Using google sheets to work with CSV we came up with the following formula to transform the selected labels into a new column that you can map on the labels field in the Jira cloud instance.

=CONCATENATE("{";CHAR(34);"labels";CHAR(34);":[";CHAR(34);$C2;CHAR(34);",";CHAR(34);$D2;CHAR(34);","; CHAR(34);$E2;CHAR(34);"],";CHAR(34);"colors";CHAR(34);":[";CHAR(34);"grey-light";CHAR(34);",";CHAR(34);"grey-light";CHAR(34);",";CHAR(34);"grey-light";CHAR(34);"],";CHAR(34);"labelSource";CHAR(34);":";CHAR(34);"global";CHAR(34);"}")

Note that you have to adjust the formula based on the maximum amount of columns the label field on server used.

Note that selected colors can not be migrated right now.

Cloud Migration Assistant

Unfortunately Atlassian does not support the Cloud Migration assistant when migrating from On-Prem to Forge apps (please see/vote https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/MIG-771).

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