Label Manager REST API

Label Manager REST API

For a general introduction to Jira's REST API and to find out about different Authentication Methods please read through the Official Atlassian Documentation for Jira's REST APIs.

We recommend you use the Atlassian REST API Browser to explore the API.  Make sure you uncheck the option "Show only public APIs" and search for "labelit" .






Getting Labels 

Note: for performance reasons all results are limited to 1000 labels. Use the offset parameter to get results higher than 1000.


URL: <rest-base-url>/labelit/1.0/items


For specific custom field:

Add parameter "customFieldId" to the URL: <rest-base-url>/labelit/1.0/items?customFieldId=10200

For specific project:

Add parameter "projectId" to the URL: <rest-base-url>/labelit/1.0/items?projectId=1000

With offset:

Add parameter "offset" to the URL: <rest-base-url>/labelit/1.0/items?customFieldId=10200&offset=3000





Creating Labels 

URL: <rest-base-url>/labelit/1.0/items


HTTP-BODY / Request payload: JSON 

Create new global label for customfield with id 10200
{ "name":"mylabel1", "customFieldId":"customfield_10200"}

 To find your project id in the user interface follow this knowledge base article from Atlassian.

Change/Rename global label id 22 to "newLabelName" for customfield with id 10200
{ "id":22, "name":"mylabel2", "customFieldId":"customfield_10200"}




Deleteting Labels 

URL: <rest-base-url>/labelit/1.0/items/{label-id}