Client Creation in Azure

Client Creation in Azure

The plugin has basic support for Single-Sign-On with Microsoft Azure. This includes SSO and the creation of new users with predefined groups. As of version 1.3.4 the plugin does not support Group Synchronisation with Azure. Using the plugin with Azure requires you to register Jira/Confluence as an application with Azure. This page describes how to do this.

Register App with Azure

In order to register Jira/Confluence as an app first go to the Azure Portal. There select the Azure Active Directory service and click on App registrations under Manage. Create a new registration by clicking on New application registration. Enter a name for the application and provide the URL under which Jira/Confluence is available.

After creation click on Settings for the newly created application. First select Reply URLs and add the following two URLs (where http://jira.mycompany.com/ is the root URL of your Jira/Confluence installation):

  • http://jira.mycompany.com/plugins/servlet/oidc/auth

  • http://jira.mycompany.com/plugins/servlet/oidc/iauth

Then select Keys and add a password for the application. Upon saving the password will be revealed.

With the App ID of the registered application and the added password the plugin can be configured (under System → OpenID Connect SSO → Preconfigured Providers). The Directory ID can be viewed in the Azure Portal under Azure Active Directory → Properties. Optionally you may add Default Groups if you wish to automatically create new users on their first login.


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