

List of Conditions:

Date Compare Condition 

A condition to compare a date field with a fixed date or a variable expression like +7d (certain days from now, as known from Jira markup).

Also available as Validator.

Field Value Condition 

A condition to compare any system or custom field against a fixed value.

To compare against an empty field, just leave the comparison value blank.

Also available as Validator.

Regular Expression Condition

Also available as Validator.

JQL Condition NEW IN 11.1.0 & 9.12.0

A condition to evaluate the current issue against a configured JQL expression.

Note: The query will be automatically related to the current issue.

Additional configuration (optional):

  • Run as user
    • Define a technical user with which the JQL expression will be evaluated. If left empty, the current user during the transition will be used.


  • "Start Progress" should not be visible if the status of the issue already was "Resolved"
    • JQL query: status was not 'Resolved'

The possibilities with JQL are endless. We recommend reading the following article:

Also available as a Validator.

Linked Issues Status Condition

There are several use cases for this condition. Find some examples listed below:

  1. Hide the transition button for issues to be closed if blocking issues are not done.
  2. Hide button for transitioning an issue when depending linked issues are not approved yet.

To configure the condition:

  • Select the issue link type. Multiple link types are supported. 
  • Choose the direction of the link. 
  • Select the allowed issue status of the linked issue. Multiple statuses are supported.

Also available as Validator.

User in Project Role Condition

This condition will check, if the current user is set or is not set in any of the specified project roles.

Also available as Validator.

User in Group Condition

This condition will check, if the current user is set or is not set in any of the specified groups.

Also available as Validator.

User in Custom Field Condition

A condition to check that the currently logged in user is set on a certain custom field.

  • On the current or parent issue.
  • Check that the current user is set in a field or is not set in a field.  

Supported Custom Field types:

  • User picker (single user)
  • User picker (multiple users)

Also available as Validator.

Number Compare Condition DEPRECATED


Number compare condition is deprecated and replaced by the field value condition. Please update your existing configurations.

Please note that the Validator is initially deactivated. You have to activate the module manually.

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