Post Functions

Post Functions

List of Post Functions

Add/merge Values into Multi-Value Fields (from Sub-task to Parent)

With this post function you can add all values/options from a single- or multi-option field into another multi-option field (on the parent).

Supported fields

  • "from fields": Select list (single and multiple choices), checkboxes, Radiobuttons, user picker (single and multi), Group Picker (single and multi), version picker (single and multi)
  • "to fields": Select list (multiple choices), checkboxes, user picker (multi), group picker (multi), version picker (multi)

Use case examples:

  • Merge a QA checklist from sub-tasks into a single checklist of the parent issue.
  • Merge all versions from sub-tasks into the versions of the parent issue
  • Add all users from field A to field B (multi-user field)

Note that, in some cases you might better use our copy functions (see below) to copy the complete state (all checked/unchecked options) into another field instead of merging.

Add Value(s) to Multi-Value Fields 

Add/set/check one or more specific values in a multi-value field.

Supported fields:

  • Multi select list 
  • Checkboxes
  • Multi user picker 
  • Multi group picker 
  • Multi version picker 

Note: You can set single value fields like single-select with the Update/set custom field to predefined value post function.

Add Comment to Issue

With this post function you can add an additional comment on a workflow transition. 

  • Select a specific user as comment author.
  • Set comment visibility to internal. (Jira Service Desk only)

Add Comment to linked Issue 

With this post function you can add an additional comment to linked issues on a workflow transition.

  • Select issue link type and direction.
  • Copy the comment of your transition screen. (overrides the custom comment)
  • Configure a custom comment.
  • Select a specific user as comment author.
  • Set comment visibility to internal. (Jira Service Desk only)

Add/remove Watcher (via Custom Field)

With this post function you can add or remove watchers from a (multi) user picker custom field. This has been a highly requested feature since 2004, see JRA-5493.

Usually setting watchers is a manual step after the issue creation or workflow transition. With this post function you can set them in one single step. 

You can combine this feature with our required fields validator and force a user to name a watcher. For example you could set a field "Reviewer" required so that a user must nominate a reviewer in a certain workflow step. 

A common use case is to combine the functionality "Add Watcher" with the "Default Values for Create Issue screen". That way you can predefine default users which should be added as watchers to the issue in a defined custom field (multi user picker). On the "Create" transition you can add the post function "Add / Remove Watchers" and all the selected users in the custom field will be automatically added as Watchers.  

Note: If the user already exists in the watcher list, he won't be added twice. In addition the post function will add only those users that have the permission in that project.

Add Label(s)

Add one ore more labels to the current issue. Multiple labels are separated by a comma.

Note: If one label is already set, it will not be added again. Label(s) that don't already exist will be created.

Assign a specific User

Choose the post-function "Set assignee to specific user" and type in a specific username. Ensure that the user has the permission assignable user.

Assign to User specified in a Custom Field

Assign the issue to a user which has been set in a custom field.

  • Optionally you can choose to look up the value on the parent issue

Add User to Group(s)

Add a user (e.g. reporter, assignee, creator or any user picker custom field) to one or more group(s).

A common use case is to automatically assign new employees to one ore more group(s) on a transition.

Note: Due to security reasons, group(s) with admin permissions are not available for selection.

Clear Field Value(s) NEW IN 9.16 AND 11.5

Clear one ore more field values on a transition.

Copy Field Value(s) between related Issues NEW IN 9.18 AND 11.7

Copy field value(s) from or to related issues.


  • Parent / Sub-task
    • all following configuration is made for Parent → Sub-task relations
  • Epic/  linked Issues
    • all following configuration is made for Epic → linked Issues via Epic Link (usually Stories)


  • From Parent/Epic to current Issue
    • where current Issue must be a Sub-task or a linked Issue to an Epic
  • From current Issue to all Sub-tasks/linked Issues
    • where current Issue must be the Parent/Epic
  • From current Issue to Parent/Epic
    • where current Issue must be a Sub-task or a linked Issue to an Epic

Do not overwrite

  • check this option if you want already existing values not to be overwritten

Run as user

  • the currently executing user might not have the permission to change field values. Therefore you can configure a user (technical user) who will execute the changes during the transition.

Field selection

You can add 1-n fields, where "Copy from" represents the source field and "to" the target field.

Please note that the chosen fields have to be compatible.

Are you missing a system or custom field? Please contact our support and we will try to help you.

Copy Field Value from Parent to Sub Task DEPRECATED


This post function is deprecated and replaced by the Copy field value(s) between related Issues Post Function. Please update your existing configurations.

Please note that it's no longer possible to add new configurations.

Copy Field Values

  • Copy field values within the same issue.
  • You can copy from field "A" to field "B" if the types are compatible. 
  • You can configure a user (technical user) who will execute this post function. (optional – default is current user)

Copy Field Values from Sub Task to Parent DEPRECATED


This post function is deprecated and replaced by the Copy field value(s) between related Issues Post Function. Please update your existing configurations.

Please note that it's no longer possible to add new configurations.

Copy Field Value to Linked Issues

This post function allows you to copy field value to all issues linked by a certain link type and direction.

  • Choose issue link type and direction.
  • Choose field on source (from) issue.
  • Choose field on destination (to) issues.
  • The option "Do not override value if a value is already present" can be used to define if field values on linked issues should be overridden or not.

Copy Attachments from Linked Issues

This post function can copy all of your existing issue attachments to the issue which is linked to it.

Choose one or more link types that are feasible. Choose the link direction.

After the transition has been processed all attachments will be copied from the linked issue. 

In case multiple issues are linked, no duplicate attachments will be copied.

Create a new (linked) Issue or Sub-Task Post Function

Create new issues during a workflow transition. This post function enables you to realize automated issue creation for many use cases:

  • Collaboration between support teams and development teams. Create tasks and bugs in the correct projects automatically.
  • Collaboration between testing teams and development teams. Create new test cases automatically or open new bugs when tests fail. 
  • Create release and deployment tickets automatically when a user story is ready to deploy. 
  • Create a set of sub-tasks automatically for each user story, for repeating tasks like updating user documentation, QA review, etc.


  • You can link the issue, create a sub-task or just create it without any link to the original issue. 
  • You can copy summary and description from the original issue or enter fixed values.
  • Additionally, you can copy system and custom fields from the original issue to the newly created issue (see screenshot on the right side).
    • All custom fields and most system fields are supported. See here for details.
  • Define the project and the new issue's issue type. (Make sure that the user has the permission to create new issues in the defined project.)
    • You can define a fixed target project where to create the issue.
    • You can also create the issue in the same project as the current issue 
    • You can define a custom field which contains the target project
      • Usage: Create a custom field of the type "single select" or "radio select". As options, add a label of your choice and the project KEY in parentheses "My Label (PROJECTKEY)". For example: A valid option for a Project with Key "DEV" would be: "My awesome Development Team (DEV)". 
      • This allows you to dynamically determine the target project when the transition is executed. You can place the field on a transition screen and require it (see validators). Alternatively you can fill the field with a post function or copy it from a related issue, or just make it available and set it on the edit issue screen.
  • Define the link type and direction. (if you want to link the issue)
  • Set the priority of the new issue to the system default priority or to any available priority
    • Note that you can also copy the priority from original issue to the new issue
  • Set the assignee of the new issue to unassigned or automatically. (or copy any user field value to the new issue) 

(info) In JIRA, "Assignee: automatic" means tht the issue will be assigned to the first component default assignee or project default assignee.

Further options include:

  • Copy all attachments to the new issue.
  • Create any missing versions if they are not present in the target project. 

Create Sub-Tasks on Transition:

Update/Set Field to predefined value

A post function that updates or removes a field value during a transition to a pre-defined value.

  • To set a field to a fixed value, choose option "Fixed value" and enter the value.
  • To set a date or datetime field to the current time at the transition, choose "Current datetime".
    • Optionally you can define a pattern that adds or subtracts time based on the current datetime.
  • To set a user picker field to the current user choose the option "Current user".
  • To clear a field and delete the value in a particular field choose the "Empty value" option.

To define a default value during a transition you can use the option "Do not override" and only set the value if the user did not provide any. (note that you can also define default values on create screens with Workflow Essentials)

Supported field types:

  • Text field (read only) 
  • Text field (Multi-line and single line)
  • Radio buttons, cascading select list 
  • Single select, multi select
    • In addition to values, Option-IDs can be defined with square brackets, e.g. [10001], [10002]  
  • Project select, group select, version select 
  • Single user picker
  • Number
  • Story points
  • Business value
  • Epic-status 

Note: To add values to multi value fields, use the post function Add value(s) to multi-value fields

Transition Linked Issues (including Sub-Tasks, Parent and Epics)

This post function allows you to transition linked issues. 

  • Choose the link type and direction
    • To identify the correct link & direction, just link two issues with each other and look at the issue detail page of the issue from which the post-function will be triggered. The link direction can be found in the section "Issue Links"
    • To transition sub-tasks of an issue, use "jira_subtask_outward"
    • To transition the parent issue of sub-tasks, use the "jira_subtask_inward"
    • To transition an epic when an associated issue is transitioned, use "has epic". 
      • For example to transition an epic to "in progress" when a user story is started, use the link type "has epic (inward)".

  • Choose the transition name or ID to be executed. It's recommended to use names.
  • Choose the user which will perform the transition. (optional – default is current user)
  • Skip conditions. Check the box to ignore any conditions configured and transition the issue anyway. For example you could hide the transition (with the JIRA build-in condition "hide transition") or hide the transition button for specific user groups. 
  • Copy fields. Check this box to copy field value(s) from the source issue to the linked issue.

Set Security Level

This post function allows you to set security level on an issue during a transition. 

  • Choose security level from list of all security levels present on a system. 
  • Configure a user (technical user) who will execute this post function. (optional – default is current user)
    • The user who will perform the transition must have the permission "Edit Issues" to set another Security Level.
  • Skip permission. Check the box to ignore current user permission to set issue security level.

Workflow Gateway for automatic transitions

This post function allows you to realize decision gateways or automatically forward an issue to a subsequent status based on conditions.

Basically, you can realize scenarios like:

  • "If the user is in the role 'senior management', skip the workflow step 'APPROVAL' and transition the issue to 'APPROVED'"
  • "If the value of the custom field 'estimated budget' is > 500.000, transition the issue to status 'APROVAL BY MANAGEMENT', otherwise transition to status 'APPROVAL BY TEAMLEAD'.

Follow theses two steps to implement your gateway:

  1. Add the post function "workflow gateway" to the transition before the status after which you want to automatically proceed.
  2. Add conditions to all subsequent transitions, so that only one subsequent transition will be possible at the same time. 


Let's say you want to automatically approve issues, if the value of a custom field "budget" is smaller than 100 Euro. Your workflow is looking like the one to the right.

  1. On the transition "Send to approval", place the "workflow gateway" post function.
  2. On the transition "Send to approval by CEO", place a number compare condition configured as "budget >= 100"
  3. On the transition "Send to Approval by Team Lead", place a number compare condition configured as "budget < 100" 
  4. Thats it. If a user clicks on "Send to approval", the issue will be automatically transitioned to the correct approval status.
  5. (Optionally) Additionally you could make the field 'budget' required on the "Send to approval" transition with the required field validator.

Example workflow:

Configuration Options:

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