The plugin supports Single-Sign-On with the Google Identity Platform. This includes SSO and the creation of new users with predefined groups. This page describes how to add Jira/Confluence as a client in Google ID.

Client Creation in the Google Identity Platform

To add Jira/Confluence as a client visit the Google API Console. Add a new client by clicking on New Credentials → OAuth client ID. Select Web Application as application type and enter a name for the client (eg. jira). As Authorised JavaScript origins enter the domain under which your application is available without the context path (eg. Add the following two URLs as Authorised Redirect URIs (where is the root URL with context path of your Jira/Confluence installation):



After clicking on Create the client ID and secret will be displayed. You can use these to configure the plugin (under System → OpenID Connect SSO → Preconfigured Providers). Optionally you may add Default Groups if you wish to automatically create new users on their first login.